Martin Luther
(biography,17 tracts, 8 sermons.)
Ulrich Zwingli
John Calvin
(9 tracts, 3 sermons, 7 books)
Institutes of the Christian Religion.
Loraine Boettner
(31 tracts)
George Salmon (23
J. Gresham Machen
(9 tracts)
James A. Wylie
(25 books)
Charles Hodge (15 tracts)
John Knox (biography and 18 tracts)
John Owen (1
book 6 tracts)
Jonathan Edwards
(biography, 2 books, 22 tracts)
John Wycliffe (8 tracts,
15 chs. Life & Times)
John Bunyan (15 tracts)
R. C. Trench (parables
of the Lord)
John Foxe (Acts & Monuments, 4 tracts)
Samuel Davies (37 sermons
2 tracts)
R. L. Dabney (9
tracts, biography)
Dwight L. Moody (79 sermons,
books,1 article)
H. A. Ironside (5
books, 1 tract)
R. A. Torrey (7 books,
6 sermons, 4 tracts)
Edward M. Bounds. (4 books)
William Cunningham
(9 tracts)
George Muller (1 book,
13 sermons)
Thomas Scott (3
books, 12 sermons)
Daniel Neal (The History.of
the Puritans 3 vols, 42 chs.)
Eugene Bersier (25 sermons)
John Venn
(25 sermons)
Confessions of Faith
exposition of
the Westminster Confession of Faith.