Dwight. L. Moody (1837-1899AD)

Dwight L. Moody

American evangelist and revivalist.

The life and death of Mr. Moody are full of lessons. Lessons that it would take volumes to fully recount. We must confine ourselves to some of those that are most striking and fundamental.

1. The first lesson is the great possibilities that are open through the grace of God, to a poor, uneducated, and spiritually unpromising boy. His parents were poor; his father a country stone mason with seven children. All his property consisted of a plain little house, with one or two acres of poor land, and this mortgaged. When the oldest child was but thirteen and Dwight only four, the father suddenly died. The widow was left with seven children to support, and the mortgaged home. A month after the father’s death, two more children were born. It was a life of hard toil and little promise that D. L. Moody faced from early boyhood. He had meagre opportunities for education, and did not take to what little he had. Furthermore he was not a spiritually-minded boy. When he offered himself for church membership in Boston at eighteen years of age, he was refused immediate admission to the church. The pastor and church have been criticised and laughed at for this, but the pastor and church were right, for he knew so little about salvation, that when the question was put to him “What has Christ done for us all, for you, which entitles Him to our love,” his reply was “I do not know. I think Christ has done a good deal for us, but I do not think of anything particular as I know of.” But the church, while holding him back, did not cast him off nor neglect him. It appointed a committee of two to watch over him with kindness and teach him the way of God more perfectly. But this poor boy, poorly educated, poor in spiritual promise, became the mightiest religious leader of the century; and I think it may be added the greatest man of the century; for when the fame and influence of our great generals, great statesmen, great authors, and great scholars have been forgotten, his fame and influence, and thank God his influence more than his fame, will not be forgotten, but will live on.

Extract from "Lessons from the Life and Death of D. L. Moody" by  Rev. R. A. Torrey.


Lessons from the Life and Death of D. L. Moody  (102k) by  Rev. R. A. Torrey, 1900AD edition.   pdf (97k) docx (34k)


The Testimony of Charles T. Studd (68k) to his conversion. England cricketer turned missionary. pdf (24k) docx (23k)



Dwight L. Moody

Mr. Moody at 25: City-missionary in Chicago.


   Dwight L. Moody

Mr. Moody at 27: Sunday-school worker.


Dwight L. Moody

From "The Gospel Awakening" as published 1877AD.


"The Gospel Awakening of the present time is the great religious event of the Nineteenth century, in our own land and Great Britain; and it has had no parallel since the mighty revival labors put forth by Wesley and Whitefield, a hundred years since. At the appearance of two plain and zealous Evangelists, town after town, and city upon city have awakened out of religious lethargy and sectarian rivalry. The foremost ministers and laymen have been glad to co-operate with and learn from these consecrated lay preachers; night organizations for reaching the great masses have been extemporized, as if by magic; and better still, the quickening impulse of a Christlike life has been imparted unto myriads, so that countless multitudes of sinners have been converted within the space of a few years, and cold congregations have been fired with a burning desire to work for the Master." [Extract from the Publisher's Preface.]


1. "God is Love." (100k)  A sermon on 1 John 4:16. pdf (65k) docx (29k)

2. Death of Christ. (100k) A sermon on Isaiah 53:5. pdf (65k) docx (29k)

3. Trust. (99k) A sermon on Psalm 118:8. pdf (63k) docx (28k)

4. New. (99k)  A sermon on John 34:3. pdf (101k) docx (29k)

5. "Behold!" (87k) A sermon on Psalm 51:5. pdf (90k) docx (27k)

6. Repentance. (97k) A sermon on Acts 17:30. pdf (96k) docx (29k)

7. Strength in Weakness. (88k) A sermon on 1 Cor. 1:27-29.  pdf (53k) docx (26k)

8. Instant Salvation. (94k) A sermon on Isaiah 32:2. pdf (53k) docx (26k)

9. "To Every Man His Work." (82k) A sermon on Mark 13:34. pdf (55k) docx (25k)

10. Courage and Enthusiasm. (87k) A sermon on Joshua 41:6, 7, 9.  pdf (54k) docx (26k)

11. The Pharisee and the Publican. (92k) A sermon on Luke 18:11, 13. pdf (55k) docx (28k)

12. The Prodigal Son. (91k) A sermon on Luke 15:18. pdf (58k) docx (27k)

13. The Good Samaritan. (77k) A sermon on Luke 10:29. pdf (50k) docx (26k)

14. Love and Sympathy. (82k) A sermon on 1 Corinthians 13:1. pdf (52k) docx (25k)

15. One Thing Thou Lackest. (98k) A sermon on Mark 10:21. pdf (69k) docx (29k)

16. The Thief on the Cross. (89k) A sermon on Luke 23:42. pdf (56k) docx (27k)

17. The Second Birth. (88k) A sermon on John 3:3. pdf (56k) docx (27k)

18. The Gospel (1). (83k) A sermon on Luke 4:18. pdf (54k) docx (27k)

19. The Gospel (2) (87k) A sermon on Luke 4:18. pdf (55k) docx (25k)

20. Their Faith. (92k) A sermon on Luke 5:20. pdf (68k) docx (26k)

21. Confessing Christ. (93k) A sermon on Romans 10:10. pdf (96k) docx (29k)

22. No Difference. (80k) A sermon on Romans 3:23. pdf (101k) docx (24k)

23. Separation from the World. (83k)  A sermon on Amos 8:3. pdf (90k) docx (26k)

24. Instant Salvation. (88k) A sermon on Isaiah 32:2. pdf (90k) docx (26k)

25. Christ the Deliverer. (86k) A sermon on Isaiah 49:24-25. pdf (91k) docx (26k)

26. Grace. (129k) A sermon on John 1:17. pdf (104k) docx (28k)

27. "What Think Ye of Christ." (103k) A sermon on Matthew 22:42. pdf (90k) docx (24k)

28. Compassion of Christ. (77k) A sermon on Matthew 14:14. pdf (94k) docx (25k)

29. No Room for Jesus. (77k) A sermon on Luke 2:7. pdf (93k) docx (24k)

30. Heaven. (92k) A sermon on Luke 11:2. pdf (108k ) docx (28k)

31. Heavenly Treasures. (95k) A sermon on Matthew 6:19-20. pdf (118k) docx (32k)

32. Love of God. (84k) A sermon on 2 Corinthians 13:11. pdf (98k) docx (27k)

33. Future Punishment. (75k) A sermon on Luke 16:25. pdf (97k) docx (25k)

34. What Seek Ye? (81k) A sermon on Matthew 6:33. pdf (95k) docx (25k)

35. To Every Man His Work. (83k) A sermon on Mark 13:34. pdf (98k) docx (27k)

36. Trust in the Lord. (89k) A sermon on Isaiah 26:4. pdf (106k) docx (29k)

37. Reaping What We Sow. (69k) A sermon on Galatians 6:7, 8. pdf (102k) docx (22k)

38. Obstacles. (88k) A sermon on John 11:39. pdf (87k) docx (28k)

39. King Saul. (125k) A sermon on 1 Samuel 8:19. pdf (100k) docx (33k)

40. Walking with God. (93k) A sermon on 1 Peter 2:21-23. pdf (101k) docx (27k)

41. How to be Born Again. (98k) A sermon on John 3:14,15. pdf (23k) docx (28k)

42. Seek the Lord. (94k) A sermon on Isaiah 55:6. pdf (23k) docx (31k)

43. Love. (93k) A sermon on 1 Corinthians 8:3. pdf (19k) docx (29k)

44.The Lord's Service Pays. (103k) A sermon on John 4:36. pdf (103k) docx (32k)

45. Charity. (95k) A sermon on 1 Corinthians 13:1. pdf (123k) docx (28k)

46. "His Own Brother." (82k) A sermon on John1:41. pdf (87k) docx (24k)

47. "Where Art Thou?" (110k) A sermon on Genesis 3:9. pdf (107k) docx (37k)

48. To the Broken-Hearted. (100k) A sermon on Luke 4:18. pdf (135k) docx (35k)

49. Spiritual Blindness. (121k) A sermon on 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4. pdf (136k) docx (36k)

50. What Christ is to us. (123k) A sermon on Christ. pdf (48k) docx (31k)

51. The Conversion of Saul. (101k) A sermon on Acts 9:4. pdf (96k) docx (36k)

52. Naaman the Leper. (104k) A sermon on 2 Kings 5:10. pdf (92k) docx (27k)

53. How to Help Inquirers. (94k) A sermon to Gospel Inquirers. pdf (100k) docx (28k)

54. Eight "I Wills" of Christ. (128k) A sermon. pdf (101k) docx (29k)

55. Weighed in the Balances. (94k) A sermon on Daniel 5:27. pdf (24k) docx (28k)

56. Their Rock is not as Our Rock. (99k) A sermon on Deuteronomy 31:32. pdf (49k) docx (31k)

57. Salvation for Sinners. (106k) A sermon on Luke 5:32. pdf (33k) docx (33k)

58. Work. (90k) A sermon on James 2:20. pdf (48k) docx (29k)

59. The Prophet Daniel. (103k) A sermon on Daniel 1:8. pdf (46k) docx (33k)

60. "Come." (105k) A sermon on Isaiah 55:3. pdf (k) docx (31k)

61. How to Study the Bible. (97k) A sermon on Acts 8:32. pdf (50k) docx (30k)

62. The Yoke of Jesus. (74k) A sermon on Matthew 11:29, 30. pdf 23k) docx (23k)

63. What Must I do? (95k) A sermon on Acts 16:30. pdf (29k) docx (26k)

64. Christians Not to Faint. (75k) A sermon on Galatians 6:9. pdf (30k) docx (25k)

65. Signs of the New  Birth. (78k) A sermon on John 3:3. pdf (33k) docx (25k)

66. God's Human Instruments. (112k) A sermon on 1 Corinthians 17-31. pdf (45k) docx (29k)

67. Christ Seeking the Lost. (113k) A sermon on Luke 19:10. pdf (47k) docx (29k)

68. Saved or Lost. (101k) A sermon on Luke 19:10. pdf (38k) docx (28k)

69. Man Seeking for God. (107k) A sermon on Isaiah 55:6. pdf (43k) docx (28k)

70. The Call to Self-Examination. (99k) A sermon on Genesis 3:9. pdf (48k) docx (29k)

71. The New Birth. (138k) A sermon on John 3:3. pdf (59k) docx (32k)

72. A Sermon on One Word. (148k) A sermon on the word "Gospel." pdf (65k) docx (37k)

73. The Master's Parting Commission. (108k) A sermon on Mark 16:15, 16. pdf (44k) docx (29k)

74. Heaven. (497k) A Red Library Series' book, published in 1887AD pdf (319k) docx (118k)

75. The Overcoming Life. (472k) A Red Library Series' book, published in 1889AD pdf (397k) docx (116k)

76. Pleasure & Profit in Bible Study.  (621k) A Red Library Series' book, published in 1895AD pdf (551k) docx (165k)

77. Prevailing Prayer - What Hinders It. (456k)  A Red Library Series' book, published in 1885AD pdf (529k) docx (159k)

78. Sovereign Grace. (964k) A Red Library Series' book, published in 1891AD pdf (371k) docx (126k)

79. Sowing and Reaping. (385k) A Red Library Series' book, published in 1896AD pdf (302k) docx (96k)