H. A. Ironside  (1876-1951AD)

H. A. Ironside 

American evangelical pastor and Bible teacher

“At last, on a Thursday evening in February, 1890, God spoke to me in tremendous power while out at a party with a lot of other young people, mostly older than myself, intent only on an evening’s amusement. I remember now that I had withdrawn from the parlor for a few moments to obtain a cooling drink in the next room. Standing alone by a refreshment table, there came home to my inmost soul, in startling clearness, some verses of Scripture I had learned months before. They are found in the first chapter of Proverbs, beginning with verse 24 and going on to verse 32. Here wisdom is represented as laughing at the calamity of the one who refused to heed instruction, and mocking when his fear cometh. Every word seemed to burn its way into my heart. I saw as never before my dreadful guilt in having so long refused to trust Christ for myself, and in having preferred my own wilful way to that of Him who had died for me. I went back to the parlor, and tried to join with the rest in their empty follies. But all seemed utterly hollow, and the tinsel was gone. The light of eternity was shining into the room, and I wondered how any could laugh with God’s judgment hanging over us, like a Damocles’ sword suspended by a hair. We seemed like people sporting with closed eyes on the edge of a precipice, and I the most careless of all, till grace had made me see. That night, when all was over, I hurried home, and crept upstairs to my room. There, after lighting a lamp, I took my Bible, and, with it before me, fell upon my knees. I had an undefined feeling that I had better pray. But the thought came, “What shall I pray for?” Clearly and distinctly came back the answer, “For what God has been offering me for years. Why not then receive it, and thank Him?”” [extract from "Holiness - the False and the True.”]



H. A. Ironside


Pastor of Moody Church, Chicago, 1930 to 1948AD.





Full Assurance. (308k) published 1937AD.

Holiness - the False and the True..(634k) by H. A. Ironside, 1900AD.

The Eternal Security of the Believer. (173k) published 1934AD.

God’s Unspeakable Gift.  (452k) Twelve Select Addresses on Evangelical Themes,  published UK, 1940s.

The Only Two Religions; and other Gospel papers. (246k) published by Loizeaux Bros,1912AD.



The Holy Trinity. (119k) published by Loizeaux Bros., Bible Truth Depot. pdf (37k) docx (27k)