George Whitefield (1714-1770AD)
by John Greenwood and published
July 1st 1769AD
The Life and Times of the Rev. George Whitefield, M.A. pdf (2.8mb) docx (867k) by Robert Philip, 1838AD.
Rev. George Whitefield
was an outstanding evangelical preacher of the 18th century and the Lord
used him to preach the Gospel to great effect both in Britain and America.
“After having undergone innumerable buffetings of Satan, and many months’
inexpressible trials by night and day under the spirit of bondage, God was
pleased at length to remove the heavy load, to enable me to lay hold on His
dear Son by a living faith, and, by giving me the Spirit of adoption, to
seal me, as I humbly hope, even to the day of everlasting redemption. But
oh! with what joy—joy unspeakable—even joy that was full of, and big with
glory, was my soul filled, when the weight of sin went off, and an abiding
sense of the pardoning love of God, and a full assurance of faith broke in
upon my disconsolate soul! Surely it was the day of my espousals,—a day to
be had in everlasting remembrance. At first my joys were like a spring tide,
and, as it were, overflowed the banks. Go where I would, I could not avoid
singing of psalms almost aloud; afterwards it became more settled—and,
blessed be God, saving a few casual intervals, has abode and increased in my
soul ever since.”
J. C. Ryle wrote of
George Whitefield.
The following quote is from the close of John Wesley's funeral oration at
Whitefield's Memorial Service on Sunday 18th November 1770.
George Whitefield from a painting by John Wollaston, about 1742AD SERMONS 1.
The Benefits of an Early Piety.
pdf (71k)
docx (29k)
9. A Preservative Against Unsettled Notions . . . (169k) pdf (67k) docx (42k) 10. Christ the only Rest for the Weary and Heavy-Laden. (110k) pdf (37k) docx (27k) 11. Thankfulness for Mercies received, a Necessary Duty. (144k) pdf (50k) docx (32k) 12. Walking with God. (170k) pdf (76k) docx (63k) 13. Saul's Conversion. (165k) pdf (76k) docx (37k) 14. Christ the Support of the Tempted. (120k) pdf (49k) docx (29k) 15. What Think Ye of Christ? (164k) pdf (82k) docx (39k) 16. Abraham's Offering up his Son Isaac. (136k) pdf (54k) docx (38k) 17. Persecution Every Christian's Lot. (128k) pdf (56k) docx (39k) 18. The Folly and Danger of Parting with Christ etc, (149k) pdf (61k) docx (40k) 19. The Lord our Righteousness. (158k) pdf (75k) docx (44k) 20. Christ the Believer's Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption. (152k) pdf (65k) docx (41k) 21. The Pharisee and Publican. (125k) pdf (53k) docx (39k) 22. The Holy Spirit Convincing the World of Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment. (152k) pdf (60k) docx (38k) 23. The Conversion of Zaccheus. (132k) pdf (59k) docx (37k) 24. The Power of Christ's Resurrection. (127k) pdf (42k) docx (34k) 25. The Indwelling of the Spirit, the Common Privilege of All Believers. (143k) pdf (55k) docx (38k) 26. The Eternity of Hell Torments. (117k) pdf (44k) docx (34k) 27. The Great Duty of Family Religion. (131k) pdf (52k) docx (37k) 28. The Method of Grace. (150k) pdf (66k) docx (39k) 29. The Wise and Foolish Virgins. (155k) pdf (73k) docx (43k) 30. On Regeneration. (127k) pdf (54k) docx (37k) 31. Worldly Business No Plea for the Neglect of Religion. (104k) pdf (38k) docx (32k) 32. Spiritual Baptism. (152k) pdf (99k) docx (34k) 33. The Gospel, a Dying Saint's Triumph. (151k) pdf (100k) docx (41k) 34. The Knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Best Knowledge. (121k) pdf (37k) docx (33k) 35. The Folly and Danger of Not Being Righteous Enough. (145k) pdf (71k) docx (41k) 36. The Heinous Sin of Profane Cursing and Swearing. (121k) pdf (47k) docx (32k) 37. Directions How to Hear Sermons. (116k) pdf (39k) docx (33k) 38. The Extent and Reasonableness of Self-Denial. (138k) pdf (49k) docx (36k) 39. Christ's Transfiguration. (128k) pdf (64k) docx (38k) 40. A Penitent Heart, the Best New Year's Gift. (197k) pdf (66k) docx (43k) 41. The Wedding at Cana. (169k) pdf (32k) docx (41k) 42. The Duty of Searching the Scriptures. (115k) pdf (41k) docx (33k) 43. The Resurrection of Lazarus. (195k) pdf (95k) docx (50k) 44. The Marks of Having Received the Holy Ghost. (155k) pdf (52k) docx (38k) 45. The Almost Christian. (151k) pdf (52k) docx (37k) 46. Of Justification by Christ. (144k) pdf (46k) docx (35k) 47. The Great Duty of Charity Recommended. (149k) pdf (48k) docx (39k) 48. Satan's Devices. (137k) pdf (54k) docx (37k) 49. Christians, the Temple of the Living God. (135k) pdf (53k) docx (37k) 50. Christ the Only Preservative Against a Reprobate Spirit. (166k) pdf (52k) docx (38k) 51. The Heinous Sin of Drunkenness. (141k) pdf (49k) docx (39k) 52. Intercession Every Christian's Duty. (117k) pdf (47k) docx (37k) 53. An Exhortation not to be Discouraged by the Wicked. (110k) pdf (26k) docx (31k) 54. A Caution Against Despising the Day of Small Things. (140k) pdf (112k) docx (45k) 55. Christ the Believer's Refuge. (155k) pdf (63k) docx (42k) 56. Soul Prosperity. (130k) pdf (90k) docx (39k) 57. Repentance and Conversion. (133k) pdf (93k) docx (40k) 58. The Furnace of Affliction. (133k) pdf (86k) docx (40k) 59. The Beloved of God. (137k) pdf (90k) docx (39k) 60. The Lord our Light. (117k) pdf (51k) docx (33k) 61. Self-inquiry Concerning the Work of God. (134k) pdf (96k) docx (35k) 62. Glorifying God in the Fire. (114k) pdf (48k) docx (32k) 63. The Burning Bush. (110k) pdf (73k) docx (31k) 64. Soul Dejection. (121k) pdf (57k) docx (33k) 65. The Neglect of Christ, the Killing Sin. (166k) pdf (70k) docx (37k) 66. All Men's Place. (105k) pdf (63k) docx (33k) 67. God a Believer's Glory. (119k) pdf (50k) docx (32k) 68. The Good Shepherd. A Farewell Sermon. (135k) pdf (61k) docx (38k) 69. The Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent. (120k) pdf (70k) docx (37k) 70. A Faithful Minister's Parting Blessing. (142k) pdf (39k) docx (32k)
"The following
inscription was copied by Dr. Reed from the splendid monument erected by Mr.
Bartlett, at Newbury Port, to the memory of Whitefield." THIS CENOTAPH
(Reed and Matheson’s Visit.)