John Wycliffe (1330-1384AD)

 John Wicliffe

English Reformer and rightly called “the morning star” of the Protestant Reformation.

“The basis of all Wiclif's teaching is his doctrine of the absolute authority of Scripture. He places the Bible infinitely higher than any other book, not only those of the more recent teachers, but also those of the ancient Fathers: yea, he places the Bible infinitely higher than any ordinance of the Roman Catholic Church. The evidence of this absolute authority is the dignity of Christ as the God-man, and the reason why the Bible is not held in due esteem is owing to the lack of true faith in Christ; for, if we trusted fully in the Lord Jesus Christ, that faith would not fail to bring forth in our heart a firm conviction of the authority of the Bible. All other writings, even those of Augustine, are trustworthy only so far as they are founded in Holy Writ: all other truth, except that which depends upon simple observation, can be accepted only so far as it is derived from the Bible. Wiclif wrote, “Even though there were a hundred popes, and all the monks were transformed into cardinals, in matters of faith their opinions would be of no account, unless they were founded on Scripture” (Trialogus, iv. c. 7). From this maxim sprung the enthusiasm and the energy which produced the first English translation of the Bible.” [Schaff Hertzog, Encycl. of Rel. Knowledge]


Lutterworth Church

Lutterworth Church.


John Wycliffe on trial.

Trial of Wicliffe in the Blackfriars' Monastery, London.


Wicliff Bible

from Wicliffite English Bible, early 15th century edition.


"History of Protestantism" by James Wylie, Vol. 1, 1899AD edition.

PDF book (495k) Wicliffe and his Times, or Advent of Protestantism. (in 15 chapters) volume 1, book 2.

ch. 1. Wicliffe: His Birth and Education. (83k) pdf (59k) docx (26k)

ch. 2. Wicliffe, and the Pope's Encroachments on England.  (116k) pdf (77k) docx (33k)

ch. 3. Wicliffe's Battle with Rome for England's Independence. (93k) pdf (58k) docx (29k)

ch. 4. Wicliffe’s Battle with the Mendicant Friars. (137k) pdf (97k) docx (39k)

ch. 5. The Friars Versus the Gospel in England. (75k) pdf (45k) docx (24k)

ch. 6. The Battle of the Parliament with the Pope. (89k) pdf (55k) docx (27k)

ch. 7. Persecution of Wicliffe by the Pope and the Hierarchy. (85k) pdf (53k) docx (27k)

ch. 8. Hierarchical Persecution of Wicliffe Resumed. (72k) pdf (46k) docx (24k)

ch. 9. Wicliffe's Views on Church Property and Church Reform. (92k) pdf (66k) docx (29k)

ch. 10. The Translation of the Scriptures, or the English Bible. (117k) pdf (81k) docx (35k)

ch. 11. Wicliffe and Transubstantiation. (99k) pdf (66k) docx (29k)

ch. 12. Wicliffe's Appeal to Parliament. (69k) pdf (39k) docx (23k)

ch. 13. Wicliffe Before Convocatiion . . . (72k) pdf (44k) docx (23k)

ch. 14. Wicliffe’s Last Days. (74k) pdf (45k) docx (24k)

ch. 15. Wicliffe’s Theological and Church System. (80k) pdf (49k) docx (29k)



Wycliffe and his Doctrines. (73k) from Foxe's "Book of Martyrs" (1889 edition). pdf (53k) docx (25k)

Wycliffe & the Reformation. (210k) by J. H. Merle d'Aubigne D.D. (1835 edition). pdf (135k) docx (58k)

John Wycliffe. (80k) by J. C. Ryle from "Light from Old Times" 1902 edition. pdf (34k) docx (27k)

John Wikcliffe. (291k) by Rev. Erasmus Middleton, from vol. 1 (of 4) of Evangelical Biography, published 1816AD.pdf (207k) docx (75k)

John de Wycliffe. (187k) chapter on Wycliffe's English Bible from a monogram, by Robert Vaughan D.D. 1853AD. pdf (160k) docx (51k)